"Why Not Be Great?"
“Growing up in a humble family unit, and living as an outsider in communities of affluence, taught me impactful lessons early in life.
First, I learned that insecurity has little redeeming value in creating remarkable moments in one’s life. In order to be successful, you must KNOW who you are, LIKE who you are, and KNOW why you're here. Then, you must live PURPOSEFULLY. These are fundamental qualities you must possess to be GREAT.
Second, I learned that being an outsider is advantageous. Being an outsider empowers you with objectivity and the opportunity to contribute fresh perspectives.
Third, I learned to embrace the fact that I was entitled to live a great life too. Feeling entitled to a great life is a critical component to living a great life."
– Eddie L. Lippett (Radio Appearance on Pro vs. Conn, Atlanta's Love 860am, June 2013)
First time competitor, Eddie "Leonardo" Lippett, wins Division C Humorous Speech Competition (Orlando, FL) (Oct 2008).
Advnaces to the highest level of competition.
Vision Establishes Possibilities
As an award-winning public speaker, entrepreneur, and Executive Management Consultant, Eddie shares unique high-impact perspectives that empower us to achieve the best we have within us, our teams, and our organizations. Eddie helps us answer the questions,
“How can I be energized to achieve my goals every day?”
“How do I identify what I was meant to do with my life?”
“How can I develop high-performing teams, and deep personal relationships, where people are eager to work with me towards a collective goal?”
Build Character
Leadership Portfolio, Lippett achieves Master Degree in Business with a focus on Entertainment Media & Business (2009)
Eddie Lippett advances to compete for the state title in the World Championship of Public Speaking (Atlanta, GA) (March 2014)
Eddie Lippett serves as the Director of "40 Years of Leadership, Excellence & Achievement" (2011-2012) (Bloomington, IN) (July 2011)
It's Never Too Late to make a Change for the Better
At the University of Florida, Eddie lost his scholarship within the first year of his arrival. He struggled to reach his potential, surrounding himself with people who weren’t adding value in his life. After flunking out of school, he returned a year later with renewed energy and purpose. Upon his graduation several years later, the University of Florida’s Warrington School of Business awarded him the “Outstanding Minority Student of the Year” award for his combination of scholastic achievements, campus leadership, and community involvement.
Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Leonardo Lippett Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Motivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers AtlantaMotivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers Atlanta
Eddie Lippett (Associate Director) and Donald E. Graham (Owner, WP)
break ground on new Kaplan College
location in Rockville. Maryland (October 2011)