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Inspire My Employees


“You don’t have to love what you do for a career. You only have to love what it allows you to do.  As a leader, I know each of my team members has something they want their employment to help them achieve.  If I help my people achieve their personal goals, I gain their commitment.   As a leader, if you’re focusing only on your goals instead of your people's goals, you’ll find it harder to satisfy either of them.”

Are your team members excited when they’re travelling to work in the morning?

PRIDE2 will teach you how to create a working environment where your team members thrive and are happy.

Over almost two decades, and across industries ranging from sales to healthcare, Eddie’s "People’s First PRIDE2" approach has resulted in nationally recognized performance, increased profits, dynamic culture changes, and loyal team members. Train, retain and inspire extraordinary teams. Establish an Identity and culture that sells itself to future team members, and high value prospects. Bring PRIDE2 to your organization!

Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International

Eddie Lippett  International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Motivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers AtlantaMotivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers Atlanta

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