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Inspire My Teenagers


Eddie Lippett  International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Leonardo Lippett, Eddie Motivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers AtlantaMotivational Speakers Atlanta Motivational Speakers Atlanta

Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International, ​Eddie Lippett Toastmasters International

“Leader of the Losers” (Ages 11-18)


Everyone has something special to offer the world. It’s not important to be the smartest, the tallest, the fastest, or the most attractive.  All that matters is that we be the best ‘me’ we can be.  Society and media would have us believe there are only a few formulas for success.  We can be fooled into thinking we must pursue someone else’s vision of success. Doing so, often times, saps our own personal uniqueness, and diminishes our potential for greatness.


If you work with young adults who sabotage their greatness by settling for someone else’s idea of what success is; introduce them to the “Leader of the Losers” Experience.  Turn the tables on those influences that steal our children’s ability to think for themselves.  When your kids leave, they’ll think differently about peers who sabotage their belief in themselves and their personal unique ability to be great.

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